The first thing every marketer learns is to listen to his audience. Remember Google Glass? On January 15, 2015, Google announced that it would stop producing the Google Glass. What had happened? A genius team worked on the great idea, they invented the technology of the feature, but there was no audience for it. To know what your audience wants is the most basic part of marketing.

Facebook is the best place to listen to your audience.

Hundreds of years ago people gathered on market places to talk about everything. Now they gather on Facebook. You should be there to:

  • Find out what hurts your audience and what it is interested in.
  • Know the exact language your prospects use to describe their issues.
  • Learn the words they use to describe the success they’re having with your product.

How can I monitor Facebook discussions effectively?

The easiest way to keep track of your audience on Facebook is to use the new Web CEO Niche Popular Posts report. This report is part of the Facebook Insights tool.


All you need is to add up to 5 Facebook pages that are popular in your niche. Tip: you can add 4 your competitors and your own Facebook page to compare their popularity.


As a result you will see what posts were discussed and shared most often. You can be sure: the topics discussed and shared represent what your audience needs.

What should I do now?


  • Now you can jump into discussions anywhere and get noticed by people who are your prospects.
  • Or you can discuss the same topics on your social media platforms and in your blog. Bring a new point of view, say something controversial, show your expertise.
  • Become a spy. Investigate what your audience wants and do it for them!
  • Listen to the words people use. Facebook is the best play for fieldwork…for keyword research. You can work out a great list of long tail keywords just from Facebook comments.

Another great thing about the Web CEO Niche Popular Posts report is that it is absolutely free and has no limitations. Start hearing your audience now.