Local business owners now have a new tool for managing their Google Places For Business Listing. The new Android app is available for free from the Google Play Store. This app let you update your business information, post updates and photos to your Google+ Local Page, respond to comments on Google+ and more. However, this app doesn’t let you respond to customer reviews, nor does it allow for the creation of new listings. It’s also currently available only for U.S. businesses.


Google has improved the way location targeting works in AdWords. Starting the week of November 11, 2013, advertisers using either the default or ‘location of interest’ setting will be able to show ads to potential customers by taking into account both the location that people are searching for, as well as the location they are searching from – even when they are international searches. Let’s see an example from Google:

For example, let’s say you own a hotel, and you are currently targeting Paris with the keyword “Paris hotels.” Previously, only people searching on Google.fr or Google.com from France could see your ad. Starting the week of November 11, your ads will be eligible to show to people searching for “Paris hotels” from anywhere in the world — for example, someone who lives in New York City who is booking a vacation in Paris.

Next is the topic of the most SEO-friendly practices in guest blogging. Google’s Matt Cutts offered his insight on how to write guest posts without being spammy. A true guest blogger, says Cutts in his latest video, is usually someone who is an expert on the subject matter and doesn’t drop a heavy amount of keywords in their anchor text. He emphasizes that if guest blogging is all you are doing to drive traffic to your site, you’re probably not doing any favors for your site’s reputation.

WebCEO has been called an awesome SEO tool for the serious SEO. You can try WebCEO Online SEO tools for free to make sure it is really the best SEO platform for your promotional agencies, or your own website.

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