SEO News & Google Updates Сategory

What’s new in the world of SEO? Google updates and new search trends on the WebCEO blog.

The Impact of Google’s June 2024 Spam Update
by  | July 10, 2024

It’s been a week since the Google June Spam Update rolled out, leading to significant shifts in search rankings. This completed on June 27, 2024.  It is noteworthy that only three months have passed between spam updates. For comparison, there…

99.9% You Will Face Google Penalties for ChatGPT-Generated Content
by  | March 14, 2024

On March 5, Google announced a set of updates to their algorithm that should provide users with more useful content and label low-quality content as spam. The goal is to make genuinely relevant content that appears at the top of…

Google Core Update August 2023
by  | August 24, 2023

On August 22, 2023, Google launched a new update named Google Core Update August 2023. As is customary, and as Google states, the rollout process might take up to two weeks.

Understanding the Google February 2023 Product Reviews Update
by  | March 2, 2023

Another Google update has come in – the February 2023 Product Reviews Update. It aims to improve the search experience by providing more accurate and reliable information for users who are looking for product reviews. With this update, Google Search’s…

Google Helpful Content Update Is Back
by  | December 21, 2022

From August 25 to September 9, Google rolled out a helpful content update (HCU) that made much noise in the SEO industry. However, site rankings did not feel much fluctuation compared to the nerves of SEO specialists. People worried about…

New Google Update: How to Make Your Content More Helpful
by  | September 20, 2022

Don’t you love it when Google makes waves with its major updates? Earlier this September, the search giant finished rolling out a new core update. The immediate effects were as usual: some websites didn’t even notice anything, while others reported…

New Google Update: What Happened to Everyone’s Page Titles?
by  | September 17, 2021

Have you checked how your site appears in search results lately? Noticed anything strange? If you did, you weren’t the only one. That’s what normally happens when Google experiments with its algorithm. The final days of August 2021 marked more…

Core Web Vitals: Test Your Site for a New Google Update
by  | June 8, 2021

The new Core Web Vitals update was finally released! Earlier this year, Google released a product review update that targets only (you guessed it) product review pages, but Core Web Vitals are going to affect every website. This new update…