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WebCEO Pricing

Whether you’re a newbie or an SEO Agency, we've got you covered
Monthly Annually (save 16%)
$119 /mo
  • 5 projects
  • 5 teammates
  • 750 keywords
For startups and midsize businesses who want advanced tools
most popular
Agency Unlimited
$99 /mo
  • Unlimited projects
  • Unlimited teammates
  • Unlimited keywords
For agencies and businesses who continually add new websites to promote
$299 /mo
  • 30 projects
  • 10 teammates
  • 2,400 keywords
For in-house SEO teams on a fixed budget
A one project plan for newbies who don't need advanced settings but want simplified easy-to-follow SEO instructions.
Minimum 3 months

Compare Plans & Features:

Monthly Annually (save 16%)
$119 /mo
For startups and midsize businesses who want advanced tools
to Startup
See details

5 projects

750 keywords

Top-50 results

Weekly automated scanning Manual rank check anytime

Daily manual audits &
rank scans

5,000 pages audited
for SEO/technical issues 1,000 pages/project

10,000 backlinks analyzed 2,000 backlinks/project

15,000 competitor spy backlinks

30 keywords for competitor
SEO content analysis

Quick Domain Analysis 3 free reports per day

3 Google Business Profile Locations
per Project

Branded SEO reports

SEO Teamwork 5 extra users

5 SEO leads per day

Subscribe to Startup
most popular
Agency Unlimited
$99 /mo
For agencies and businesses who continually add new websites to promote
SEO Budget Calculator
to Agency Unlimited
See details

Unlimited projects $2 per project/mo

Unlimited keywords $4/1,000 rank queries

up to Top-100 results

Daily automated scanning Manual rank check anytime

Daily manual audits &
rank scans

Unlimited pages audited
for SEO/technical issues max 50,000 pages/project,
no extra cost per scan

Unlimited backlinks analyzed max 50,000 backlinks/project,
$0.8/1,000 backlinks found

Unlimited competitor spy backlinks $0.8/1,000 backlinks found

Unlimited keywords for competitor
SEO content analysis $0.1/ keyword or phrase

Quick Domain Analysis 3 free reports per day -
then $0.25 per extra report

5 Google Business Profile Locations
per Project

Branded SEO reports

SEO Teamwork Unlimited extra users,
$5/mo per user (first month FREE)

Unlimited SEO leads per day $0.49/lead

SEO audit button on your site

White-label SEO tools
on your own domain $40/mo

SEO tools API Full functionality

White-label support & training

All scanning
except for rankings and backlinks
at no extra cost

SEO Budget Calculator
$299 /mo
For in-house SEO teams on a fixed budget
to Corporate
See details

30 projects

2,400 keywords

Top-50 results

Weekly automated scanning Manual rank check anytime

Daily manual audits &
rank scans

150,000 pages audited
for SEO/technical issues 5,000 pages/project

180,000 backlinks analyzed 6,000 backlinks/project

150,000 competitor spy backlinks

50 keywords for competitor
SEO content analysis

Quick Domain Analysis 10 free reports per day

20 Google Business Profile Locations
per Project

Branded SEO reports

SEO Teamwork 10 extra users

5 SEO leads per day

SEO audit button on your site

Subscribe to Corporate
October 10-31 | Halloween Double Trouble SEO Treat
No tricks, just treats! Buy now and get twice the subscription term.
Learn more >>

All Plans Include, for No Additional Charge:

  • Accurate local rank tracking
  • Google Analytics/Ads & Search Console integration
  • Keyword research
  • Mobile optimization check
  • Page Speed test
  • Competitor metrics
  • Automatic report emailing
  • Social media popularity analysis
  • Internal links audit
  • Email alerts
  • SEO Roadmap
  • Dedicated support
Sign Up for a Free 14-Day Trial to See What WebCEO Is Worth
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Presales Questions and Answers

Why should I prefer WebCEO to other SEO tools?

From small business owners who need to promote their websites to huge SEO agencies - whatever you are and however you change, WebCEO fits.

We're absolutely honest about our pricing - no hidden costs implied. We mean it.

Our local rankings data is instant = accurate. You will see what Internet surfers see in their browsers (which are set for different languages) right at the moment of scan - no cached data. Besides, we track all kinds of results, including the all important Knowledge Graph, Places, Places Ads, regular Ads and Featured Snippet results.

We are proud to have the best Agency Task Manager, Dangerous Competitors Finder and Competitor Backlink Spy in the industry.

We allow 5 extra users for Startup subscribers, and 10 extra users for Corporate subscribers to collaborate at no additional cost. Unlimited users can be added with the Agency Unlimited plan for $5/mo per user (the first month is free).

Thanks to our customer community chipping in with translations, we've got language localized interfaces and reports in Spanish, French, German, Brazilian Portuguese, Hebrew, Dutch, Chinese, Italian and a number of others. You can also contribute as a translator!

Want to learn more and see with your own eyes how WebCEO is different? Schedule a live 30-min demo!

What payment methods do you accept?

Visa, MasterCard and AmEx are accepted.

Please contact us if you'd rather use PayPal, make a bank transfer or would like to discuss other options.

Can I be sure no hidden costs are imposed?

We guarantee a transparent and clear pricing policy. The Startup and Corporate service plans imply fixed monthly subscription fees (discounts available on long-term subscriptions such as 3 months and more). All the functionality, available in any of these plans, comes with their fixed price - no additional charges are possible.

The Agency Unlimited plan is the one where monthly cost may vary. The fixed subscription part here is $99/mo (with discounts on longer subscription terms). Choosing to operate the tools on your own domain (white-label tools) adds another $80/mo. The flexible pricing primarily depends on the amount of active projects, the number of active users, and specific rank queries made per month.

A rank query is a keyword × a location × a device × number of search results pages × rank scans frequency per month. It's $4 for 1,000 rank queries.

The number of backlinks we find and individually show for you are priced at 80 cents per 1,000 found. This last cost is often very minor indeed, considering most companies don’t have anywhere near 1,000 backlinks.

After enrolling in the Agency Unlimited plan, the following limits can be increased by the specified amounts: Quick Domain Analysis for $0.25 per extra report, SEO Leads for $0.49/lead, SEO Content Assistant for $0.1/ keyword or phrase. All other scans in the WebCEO tools are free of any extra charge. Their use is covered by the fixed cost.

To estimate the monthly spend, please check the SEO Budget Calculator.

Never hesitate to contact us if anything brings in questions. Back to Pricing

Am I automatically charged after the trial ends?

Never without your will and consent. You can only choose to upgrade manually.

The trial does not require supplying your credit card details which also guarantees we don't have any means to charge you.

Can I switch service plans at any time?

Yes, if you're changing the service plan before your current subscription term expires, the unused funds with be automatically compensated to your account balance and used to cover (fully or partially) the invoice for the new subscription.


Yes, if you purchased a recurring subscription with WebCEO, you can cancel auto-renewal at any time. In this case the account will be locked in the read-only mode after the purchased subscription term expires.

Ask our Customer Care team via Live Chat or email support at webceo.com if you need to discuss other options.

Do you offer flexible pricing models?

You can start immediately with the pay-as-you-go Agency Unlimited plan. With the fixed monthly subscription fee covered, you can work harder one month and less the next month and only pay according to use.

We're open to negotiations if you feel like your business requires a completely unique solution - just give us a shout.

Will I get white label (branded) SEO reports?

With Startup, Corporate and Agency Unlimited service plans you can enjoy the option of branding/personalizing your reports. We do not insist on your clients knowing you're a WebCEO's customer - regardless of your business type and size. We aim to keep you happy with the tools as a standout professional. Supply corporate branding to the reports and let your clients be amazed!

How do keywords in Rank Tracking count?

You keyword limit depends on your subscription plan. In line with the SEO industry standard, Keyword/Search Engine combos are what count as "keywords" when limits are defined. The total number of these combos that can be tracked across all your projects is specified in the pricing table: 750 with Startup, 2,400 with Corporate, unlimited with Agency Unlimited plan. One keyword tracked across different search engines, locations or devices counts as several keywords. So if you are tracking 'your keyword' for Google California, Google California mobile and Yahoo USA, this counts as 3 keywords from your subscription limit. The number of search engine locations that you can add is not limited. This allows you to check many locations if you wish. Back to Pricing


The Quick Domain Analysis tool lets you analyze a list of competitor websites in a batch. See which of them have the strongest/weakest link profile. Get characteristics for each domain such as Moz DA, Majestic Trust Flow and Citation Flow, monthly organic traffic, domain age etc. You can check up to 100 domains per research report and compare your metric indices to your competitors. Back to Pricing

What is an SEO Lead?

An SEO Lead is a potential customer you will get from providing an SEO Audit report produced and sent from your mail server by WebCEO. You can convert a lead into a client by explaining how your services will improve the search engine performance of an analyzed website. The report will show an overall SEO score for your prospect's website and it will highlight website issues without providing the advanced detail that you will see in your companion report. An all-in-one SEO audit report includes data from several WebCEO tools: the SEO Analysis tool, Technical Auditor, Rank Tracker, Backlink Checker and the Traffic Analysis module.

The SEO Leads feature is available in WebCEO Startup, Corporate and Agency Unlimited. The Startup Plan allows you to enter the lead data yourself for 5 websites (leads), With the Agency Unlimited and Corporate plans, you are not only able to enter leads yourself but you can also put a widget button on your website for your site visitors to generate their own site audits. With Agency Unlimited, you can run an unlimited number of these potential customer audits at only $0.49 each. Back to Pricing

Will you help me choose the best service plan for my SEO needs?

Of course! Our friendly staff will be happy to discuss your current business needs and find the most suitable pricing model. Once your workflow turns into an overflow, just Schedule a live 30-min demo or email us and we'll tell you more about the available upgrade opportunities.

What type of customer support do you offer after the subscription purchase?

First, make sure you're connected with WebCEOOnline on Skype - this is where you can communicate with us. If you feel like there's something you're missing about the service, don’t hesitate to jump on a Skype call or Schedule a live 30-min demo.

Our email address for the service-related questions is support at webceo.com.

Live chat is always accessible as an icon in the bottom right corner - both on the official site and in the service interface. We're live during business hours at the very least.

What are your business hours?

We're online:

  • for London - 6 AM -2:30 PM
  • for New York - 2 AM - 10:30 AM
  • for Sydney - 4 PM - 00:30 AM
  • What are my options for self-education with WebCEO?

    For those who are just starting the SEO journey, as well as for those who want to enrich their knowledge and be on top of the SEO world, WebCEO offers the Help Center files, among which are the SEO Roadmap and a bunch of SEO Guides for best practices.

    We're also updating the blog continually to cover the hottest SEO topics - pay a visit to learn our experts' opinions on the ongoing SEO community buzz.

    Need help?

    Don't hesitate to contact our Support Team with any questions on WebCEO:
    Email: support@webceo.com