keyword research Tag

Pick the right keywords that will bring you targeted traffic.

How to Find Long Tail Keywords That Will Bring Tons of Traffic
by  | June 27, 2024

Long tail keywords are more specific keyword phrases that searchers use when they know what they want. These keyword phrases usually have low search volume, but they often convert well. They can be really valuable if you know how to…

20+ Best SEO Tools in 2019
by  | May 7, 2019

In just a few years, the best SEO tools have moved online, now performing in the cloud to collaborating users. These users can access their projects from any device, anywhere in the world. This is why online SEO software is…

“Ok Google”: How Do I Make My Website Voice-Search Friendly?
by  | May 22, 2017

Ok Google, why is voice search so popular on the Web? It’s all about the laziness of people. They don’t always want to search the Web using a traditional keyboard search. Most of the searchers want to get the right…

Long Tail vs LSI Keywords: Which Do You Need to Increase Website Traffic?
by  | May 4, 2017

Today we are going to talk about a crucial component to on-page SEO tactics — keyword optimization. After the Hummingbird Update you were told to optimize for long tail keywords. Then the semantic SEO strategy changed and all they talk…

Semantic SEO Strategy: How to Do SEO in 2017
by  | December 7, 2016

The following SEO Guide is not a Bible, but rather a list of recommendations and SEO trends listed in our actionable Semantic SEO Strategy guide. You can download this for FREE and use it alongside the 14+ free SEO tools…

The 7 Most Overlooked Fundamentals in SEO
by  | November 4, 2016

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a complicated strategy with many moving parts, made even more complicated by the fact that Google doesn’t publish the true nature or exact mechanisms of its ranking algorithm. Instead, we rely on a number of…

On Her Majesty’s Secret SEO Service 2016
by  | December 18, 2015

This autumn the James Bond movie franchise turned 50! Not bad for her majesty’s Secret Service agent with a licence to kill, philogyny and an undeviating loyalty to shaken (not stirred) martini. You would probably ask how the heck James…

6 Actionable Steps to Build a Top-Selling Landing Page
by  | November 5, 2015

There are 3 major types of landing pages and each serves its own goals. Let’s imagine you own a huge supermarket. First you can segment this into departments, i.e. canned goods, boxed goods, produce, home supply department etc. This is…