link building Tag

Link building tips, tactics and strategies

7 Effective Link Building Techniques That Will Make Your Traffic Explode
by  | March 29, 2017

There is on-page SEO, and there is off-page SEO. And just like day and night, each is meaningless without the other. Or are they more like bicycle frames and wheels? If your goal is to win a race or just…

Google Penguin 4.0 vs. Google Possum
by  | October 10, 2016

Intro:  “Since the dawn of time, a secret war has been waged between two species (Penguins and Possums)… Throughout the millennia, they have kept their battle confined to the shadows; however, one brazen act has escalated this conflict to a…

On Her Majesty’s Secret SEO Service 2016
by  | December 18, 2015

This autumn the James Bond movie franchise turned 50! Not bad for her majesty’s Secret Service agent with a licence to kill, philogyny and an undeviating loyalty to shaken (not stirred) martini. You would probably ask how the heck James…

Pareto Rule in SEO: What 20% of Your Inputs Bring 80% of Outputs
by  | August 26, 2015

Have you heard about the Pareto Rule? This principle was named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who analyzed the Italian land market and found that 80% of Italy’s land was owned by 20% of the population. Eventually people started to…

Links That Aren’t Links
by  | September 9, 2014

Google keeps on sharpening its guidelines by adding new signals to its ranking algorithms. For the past ten years links were used as the main element of the Google ranking system and this was like a gold mine for link…

Localization of Backlinks: Effective Action Plan for a Winning Local Link Building Strategy
by  | April 4, 2014

“In Local SEO, not all links matter. “Links” that matter for Local SEO aren’t necessarily links.” David Mihm In the pursuit of getting easy but high quality backlinks, you should not ignore having a local backlink building strategy. Analyze your…

Updated Google Alerts and Guest Blog Directories Penalty
by  | March 25, 2014

Now you can use two more filters to refine your Google Alerts by language or region. You can select all regions or languages or you can be specific and specify one language or region. You cannot currently select a specific…

Can Low Quality but Organic Links Hurt Your SEO?
by  | January 14, 2014

Our Support Angels were asked an interesting question recently: can low quality but absolutely organic links ruin SEO and decrease rankings. To answer the question we should first understand what is the difference between “low quality” and “low authority” backlinks….