Penguin Tag

Earn natural backlinks in the Post-Penguin era.

The Google Search Algorithm Matrix: The Timeline of Crucial SEO Updates
by  | April 12, 2017

With all the Google search algorithm changes, you will never know when and where your site will appear in Google search results. According to Google’s John Mueller, the search engine giant rolls out hundreds of  SEO updates to its core…

Google Penguin 4.0 vs. Google Possum
by  | October 10, 2016

Intro:  “Since the dawn of time, a secret war has been waged between two species (Penguins and Possums)… Throughout the millennia, they have kept their battle confined to the shadows; however, one brazen act has escalated this conflict to a…

How to Stay On the Light Side of Website Submission
by  | February 22, 2016

Giving birth to a new-born website is much like giving birth to a child. You want to shout out its name to everyone and spread it all over the web. And this is the moment you should be really careful…

Happy SEO-News-Giving Day!
by  | November 27, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving to all those of you, who regularly check your sites for issues and fix them, keep your backlinks clear and make customers happy. Here’s a brief recap of the latest SEO news so you can get back to…

How to Save Yourself from Sneaky Google Critters
by  | October 29, 2015

It took years for Google to adopt and successfully release their critters on the world, which now devotedly guard the Internet search domain from mortal transgressors. Each of the Google animals live in their own area of the search world…

The SEO News Recap You Should Read Before Your Vacation
by  | June 11, 2015

It’s almost time for summer vacation and all you can think about are beaches, forested mountains and cold beverages. But, there are also events in the digital marketing world you’ll want to think about before you hit the trails. What’s…

How to Keep Your Backlink Profile Ever Clean
by  | May 29, 2015

With the weather getting hotter, Google has been aggressively rolling out update after update. It all started with the Google Mobile-Friendly Update aka Mobilegeddon. Then it was followed by speculations about an additional Google Mobile Search Update dubbed Platypus and…

How to Survive the SEO-mbie Apocalypse With the WebCEO Survival Guide
by  | October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween our dear SEOs! All Hallow’s Eve is destined to bring a lot of frightening fun. With all those jack-o’-lanterns, trick-or-treating and dressing up in freaky costumes, being an SEO you should keep your eyes open. This year SEO…